Suzannah Weiss

Suzannah Weiss


Suzannah Weiss is a writer whose work has also been published in The Washington Post, Salon, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Marie Claire, Seventeen, Paper Magazine, Yahoo!, and more. She holds degrees in Gender & Sexuality Studies, Modern Culture & Media, and Cognitive Neuroscience, which she uses mainly to over-analyze trashy television and argue over semantics. She never outgrew 90s rock music and hopes she never will.  

Suzannah Weiss Articles

You don't have to be anything just because you were in the past.

21 Things My Adult Self Wishes My College Self Knew

At age 25, I'm hardly an adult. But boy am I grown up compared to who I was in college. If I could go back in time, I'd have quite a few things to tell my former self, and save a lot of stress, time, and energy.

Credit: ThinkStock

Academics Step Outside The Ivory Tower To Enact Social Change

“Some of the smartest thinkers . . . are university professors, but most of them just don’t matter in today’s great debates”—or do they?

Sex position articles, please stop imposing your useless advice on me.

Dear Sex Position Articles, GTFO Of My Newsfeed​

So, sex position articles, please stop imposing your useless advice on me. I already know about more positions than I’ll ever have the chance to try!


12 Things You Should Never Say To Someone With Depression

Those who know and love people with depression usually want nothing other than to help. But during the times I've been depressed, even the most well-intentioned efforts to help often backfired.

A lot of the diet industry is full of garbage ideas. (Image Credit: Unsplash/Sasha Freemind)

10 Lessons I've Learned In 10 Years Of Eating Disorder Recovery

When I was first diagnosed with anorexia ten years ago, I vaguely knew that eating disorders were a feminist issue.

Periods shouldn’t make you unhappy. Periods shouldn’t be painful. Having a vagina shouldn’t be painful.

To My 13-Year-Old Self: I'm Sorry No One Taught You About Your Period

One day, when you’re twice your age, you’ll write a letter to yourself with all the things no one taught you about your period

Step one: Put down the phone.

8 Helpful Mantras For Millennials

The more conversations I have with fellow millennials, the more I realize we’re all going through similar growing pains. Professionally, we’re often struggling either to find our niche or to advance in the careers we’ve settled on. Socially, our friendships are in flux, with people constantly moving around and revising their values. And romantically, many of us still have nothing to report while we watch one friend after another pair up.

Ladies in their 30s lend their wisdom (Image Credit: Unsplash, Brooke Cagle)

7 Things 30-Something Women Want 20-Something Women To Know

If they could go back, a lot of women in their 30s would reassure their 20-something selves that they really don’t need to worry. “No one has it all figured out yet. You're going to be fine."


Liz Klinger: Co-Founder And CEO Of SmartBod

Who knew the tech industry could do that.

None for me, thanks.

I’m Never Having Kids — And That’s A Good Thing!

Ever since I was a kid myself, I’ve held the conviction that I didn’t want kids. I found baby dolls creepy and real-life babies irritating. Whenever I told my parents this, they’d say, “You’ll change your mind.” But at age 25, I still haven’t.
