Suzannah Weiss

Suzannah Weiss


Suzannah Weiss is a writer whose work has also been published in The Washington Post, Salon, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Marie Claire, Seventeen, Paper Magazine, Yahoo!, and more. She holds degrees in Gender & Sexuality Studies, Modern Culture & Media, and Cognitive Neuroscience, which she uses mainly to over-analyze trashy television and argue over semantics. She never outgrew 90s rock music and hopes she never will.  

Suzannah Weiss Articles

Alicia Carr: Developer, Anti-Domestic Abuse Activist

Best of all? She's just getting started.

Loving your body doesn't mean you have to love it.

I Don’t Love My Body, And That’s OK

I won't lie: When it comes to my appearance, I'm not my own biggest fan. Others may disagree, but catching a glimpse of myself in my mirrored closet doors is not a pleasant experience.

Credit: ThinkStock

9 Tips From Women Writers On How To Deal With Online Harassment

Here, I’ve rounded up some of the best advice from women writers on how to stay strong and speak out against sexism—even when they are victims of it.

You don't have to be anything just because you were in the past.

21 Things My Adult Self Wishes My College Self Knew

At age 25, I'm hardly an adult. But boy am I grown up compared to who I was in college. If I could go back in time, I'd have quite a few things to tell my former self, and save a lot of stress, time, and energy.

Victims are still arrested and sometimes imprisoned in states with Safe Harbor.

When Sex Trafficking Victims Go To Prison

When the police arrested Wendy Barnes's pimp, it appeared as if she were free at last, she recalls during our phone interview. “Maybe this nightmare ends,” she thought. But that's when they handcuffed her, brought her to the station, and charged her with the exact same crime: prostitution.

Photo by Amy Treasure on Unsplash

9 Toxic People To Cut Out Of Your Life In 2018

Being conscious of who you spend your time around is essential for your self-care. Here are some toxic people you can go ahead and cut out this year.

The patriarchal roots of my stomach-sucking habit weren’t lost on me.

I Spent A Week Naked In Public Without Sucking In My Stomach

I was six the first time I remember sucking in my stomach.

Periods shouldn’t make you unhappy. Periods shouldn’t be painful. Having a vagina shouldn’t be painful.

To My 13-Year-Old Self: I'm Sorry No One Taught You About Your Period

One day, when you’re twice your age, you’ll write a letter to yourself with all the things no one taught you about your period


12 Things You Should Never Say To Someone With Depression

Those who know and love people with depression usually want nothing other than to help. But during the times I've been depressed, even the most well-intentioned efforts to help often backfired.


Tiffany Pham: Tech Entrepreneur, MOGUL CEO

Pham’s company, MOGUL, is run by women and for women, and has a profound social mission.
