Suzannah Weiss
Suzannah Weiss Articles
At age 25, I'm hardly an adult. But boy am I grown up compared to who I was in college. If I could go back in time, I'd have quite a few things to tell my former self, and save a lot of stress, time, and energy.
Read...“Some of the smartest thinkers . . . are university professors, but most of them just don’t matter in today’s great debates”—or do they?
Read...When speaking with eating disorder victims, what not to say is as important as what to say.
Read...“Don’t make yourself feel good by calling us survivors.”
Read...When I was first diagnosed with anorexia ten years ago, I vaguely knew that eating disorders were a feminist issue.
Read...If they could go back, a lot of women in their 30s would reassure their 20-something selves that they really don’t need to worry. “No one has it all figured out yet. You're going to be fine."
Read...Being conscious of who you spend your time around is essential for your self-care. Here are some toxic people you can go ahead and cut out this year.
Read...When the police arrested Wendy Barnes's pimp, it appeared as if she were free at last, she recalls during our phone interview. “Maybe this nightmare ends,” she thought. But that's when they handcuffed her, brought her to the station, and charged her with the exact same crime: prostitution.
Read...Talking about sex may make you uncomfortable, but so would having children who grow up in ignorance and fear.
Read...On the interview room’s cozy couch, Ellie (AKA Elliphant) sounded off on the absurdity of American gender roles, how humans are like giraffes, and her past life as a dude resembling Mowgli from The Jungle Book. No, really.