
Photo by Tiago Bandeira on Unsplash

Ask Erin: Should I Accept My Friend's Apology For Sexually Assaulting Me?

I don't know if I should continue the friendship and accept my friend's apology for sexually assaulting me. I am still getting flashbacks and depression.

Kate Spade Wallet (Image credit: Joni Edelman)

Depression Doesn't Care How Much Money You Have

I am here to tell you to stop judging other people’s outsides and making value judgments on their insides. Depression doesn't care but you should!

I have to pack boxes and go through things that remind me of all the lives I’ve lead and throw away things that no longer serve me.

I Didn't Realize Moving Meant Packing Up My Trauma, Too

I cannot fix the fear and anxiety and overwhelming sadness about this upcoming move. The frightening truth is this: the only way out of it is through.

You will survive your divorce.

You Will Survive Your Divorce

The breaks and the cracks and the places where we fall apart all hurt, but those are the places where the reinforcement happens. The breaks are a prerequisite for the repair.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

How Books And Media Helped Me Through A Depressive Episode

In a moment when I couldn’t write myself, it was the writing of others that brought me back from the brink of my depressive episode.

International Day of Happiness is a bunch of nonsense. Stop telling people to be happy.

Not To Be A Downer, But The International Day Of Happiness Is Some Bullsh*t

Today is International Day Of Happiness. It’s a damaging narrative that invalidates the experiences of people who are simply unable to be happy.

It is one thing to harbor a little mommy guilt as the kids grow older, but it’s another to parent through anxiety.

Mommy Guilt Can Be A Sign Of Anxiety 

It is one thing to harbor a little mommy guilt as the kids grow older, but it’s another to parent through anxiety — letting fear dictate every decision.

Chances are pretty good that at some point they are going to be depressed. (image credit: Julia Green)

Mommabare: How Do I Talk To My Kids About Depression (And Why)? 

Talk to your kids about depression! Truly. They could probably do a better job of explaining your depression to you than you can them.
