Karis Rogerson
Karis Rogerson Articles
Am I misrepresenting? Am I misunderstanding? Am I misremembering?
Read...Jennifer Mathieu has spent much of her life pouring into the lives of teenagers, both through her day job as a teacher and through the four books.
Read...S.A. Chakraborty is the debut author of The City of Brass, a sweeping and epic fantasy from Harper Voyager that brings to life Middle Eastern history.
Read...When I held Baby J for the first time, everything shuffled into place. For the kids, I see every reason to breathe. They love me. I don’t know why.
Read...On top of the career she’s already built for herself, Emily’s debut young adult novel Light Years released from Simon Pulse/Simon & Schuster in September.
Read...The benefit of posting honestly about our struggles and depression on social media.
Read...It's ok to be sad and happy at the same time. I think that’s the beauty of life — how unpredictable it is and how adaptable we are as humans.
Read...Here’s the thing about faking it: eventually, the truth comes out, or someone gets hurt. So I'm going to talk about my virginity on first dates!
Read...Leigh Bardugo isn’t just an incredible writer; she’s also an incredible person, not least because she writes very diverse stories that give readers the gift of representation.
Read...Wicked Like a Wildfire, the debut young adult novel by literary agent Lana Popovic, is a book that seems created just to fit the description “atmospheric.”