Towards the end of last year, I sat in a plastic surgeon’s office discussing the excess skin that falls at my lower belly.
Read...I want to tell you something about me: I’m an obsessive person.
Read...If you are a geek, you like to share your passion in a number of ways.
Read...Your body shows up for you everyday. Why do you want to mold it and change it and tell it it’s ugly or fat or saggy or substandard. Why do you hate your stretchmarks? Why is your belly, deflated after childbirth, the object of such loathing? Why are the breasts that fed your kids not enough for you how they are?
Read...Your body shows up for you everyday. Why do you want to mold it and change it and tell it it’s ugly or fat or saggy or substandard. Why do you hate your stretchmarks? Why is your belly, deflated after childbirth, the object of such loathing? Why are the breasts that fed your kids not enough for you how they are?
Read...One of the things that has become exceedingly obvious to me is how our current cultural attitudes toward fat people are steeped in bigotry.