
We're not all gold-diggers.

Top 10 Reasons Older Men Make Better Partners

Older men hooking up with younger women get a bad rap.

Your ex isn't the only relationship you need to re-examine during a divorce

3 ANNOYING People Everyone Going Through A Divorce Should Ignore

Divorce is something most couples stumble into unexpectedly. You just can't prepare yourself for something like that, so when it happens just about everything feels unfamiliar and phony.


There's Only One Secret To Great Sex, Unlearn Everything

Forget everything you ever learned about sex. Whether perched stiffly in the classroom as your teacher prattled on about the finer points of copulation, listening incredulously to the stories your friends told in adolescence, or gleaning inferences from novels, television shows, or movies. There’s only one secret to fireworks in the bedroom.


Why Your Ex Shouldn't Be Your Next

A quick Google search for “getting back with your ex” reveals a plethora of articles designed to mend the fences with your former significant other. “How to get back with your ex,” “Indicators you’ll get back your ex,” “The Reasons you should get back together with your ex.” Etc.


7 Events That Can Make Or Break Your Relationship

Regardless of how close you may feel with your love, until you and your partner have gone through these seven major events, you are circling the periphery of really learning each other.


The Art Of Arguing: Fair Fighting

Arguing is part of all relationships. Healthy arguing is a learned art. So, learn the art of fighting. And have a better relationship. And fewer sleepless nights.


5 Reasons Why Some Men Avoid Marriage

Here are five reasons why I didn’t want to get married that mirror what some guys feel.


How To Build An Awesome Relationship In Three Steps

Humans crave relationships. It nourishes us. We degenerate in its absence. If we want a great relationship, we have to build it. Just like we build our homes.
