mental health

Admittedly a definite luxury, floatation tanks can force you to take a break in ways which you might not normally be able to.

Float On: Why A Floatation Tank Is The Ultimate Deep-Relaxation Tool

Few things make a body feel better than less things holding it back, be it physical, emotional, or gravitational.

Image by @mightymooseart

Find Your Secret Heart Place: A Guide To Surviving Difficult Times

It did not solve all of my problems. It did not make the reality of this deep hurt go away. But it did make me feel more like myself, which I'd begun to fear I would never feel again.

Borderline personality disorder makes discerning when feelings are real and valid a constant struggle. The hardship is worth it.

It Is Possible To Recover From Borderline Personality Disorder

I love what it feels like when I dive into a cold pool on a hot day. I write dirty jokes on the internet. I follow four kitten accounts on Instagram. I have hope. I never thought I would be able to say that. I also happen to have Borderline Personality Disorder.

Borderline personality disorder makes discerning when feelings are real and valid a constant struggle. The hardship is worth it.

It Is Possible To Recover From Borderline Personality Disorder

I love what it feels like when I dive into a cold pool on a hot day. I write dirty jokes on the internet. I follow four kitten accounts on Instagram. I have hope. I never thought I would be able to say that. I also happen to have Borderline Personality Disorder.

"My anger was there when my father wasn’t. My anger has been reliable. Sometimes it feels like my anger taught me all the things my father should have."

Learning About My Father's Personality Disorder Helped Me Forgive Him

I have to accept the fact that Black men are not allowed to deal with their mental health issues — specifically personality and schizoaffective disorders. The man I considered a deadbeat dad for most of my life is a victim too.

"My anger was there when my father wasn’t. My anger has been reliable. Sometimes it feels like my anger taught me all the things my father should have."

Learning About My Father's Personality Disorder Helped Me Forgive Him

I have to accept the fact that Black men are not allowed to deal with their mental health issues — specifically personality and schizoaffective disorders. The man I considered a deadbeat dad for most of my life is a victim too.

"No one guessed that schizophrenia was the cause of my comments — or, at times, what some would call strange or unusual behavior."

I Have Paranoid Schizophrenia, And It's Nothing Like What You See On TV

I don’t look at all like the portrayals of these killers Hollywood never seems to tire of writing into movies and series. But I do have paranoid schizophrenia.

"No one guessed that schizophrenia was the cause of my comments — or, at times, what some would call strange or unusual behavior."

I Have Paranoid Schizophrenia, And It's Nothing Like What You See On TV

I don’t look at all like the portrayals of these killers Hollywood never seems to tire of writing into movies and series. But I do have paranoid schizophrenia.
