mental health

"Talking about mental health is a big part of my job, but that doesn’t make my own mental illness any less personal."

Why I Won't Stop Writing About My Mental Illness

I didn't fall in love with John Green’s writing the way you fall asleep: slowly and then all at once. I fell in love with it the way you pass out during a particularly nasty panic attack: all at once and then all at once.


Addicted To Nostalgia: Vintage Estate Sales, My Mother, And Me

From a distance, a vintage girl can seem charming and lovably odd until you realize that she literally comes with a ton of baggage.

image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

Sleep Hygiene: 11 Tips For Improving Your (VERY Important) Sleep

There are few things that factor into your well-being as much as sleep (except water).

 “It helps me in ways that have enabled me to grow as a parent, in all honesty. Cannabis guides me to this calm, present state of mind."

Can Pot Make You A Better Parent? A Discussion With Parents Who Use Cannabis

“It helps me in ways that have enabled me to grow as a parent, in all honesty. Cannabis guides me to this calm, present state of mind."

 “It helps me in ways that have enabled me to grow as a parent, in all honesty. Cannabis guides me to this calm, present state of mind."

Can Pot Make You A Better Parent? A Discussion With Parents Who Use Cannabis

“It helps me in ways that have enabled me to grow as a parent, in all honesty. Cannabis guides me to this calm, present state of mind."


I Can Smoke Pot Legally & Safely, But I Won't Forget The People Who Still Can't

I often think about the people in my hometown whose lives were ruined because they live in the “wrong” state. That same stigma causes me to feel horrible after I smoke.


I Can Smoke Pot Legally & Safely, But I Won't Forget The People Who Still Can't

I often think about the people in my hometown whose lives were ruined because they live in the “wrong” state. That same stigma causes me to feel horrible after I smoke.

EMDR has become an essential part of my trauma recovery.

Be The Person You Needed: My Experience With EMDR Therapy (So Far)

EMDR is the most compassionate and empowering therapy I have ever undergone.
