mental health

The more we fake it and hide behind smiles, the more we have the need to do so to keep from stepping out of line. (Image: Unsplash/ Clem Onojeghuo)

Social Anxiety And The Highly Sensitive Person: A Reflection

Mental health challenges carry a stigma, particularly among men. Paul Hartzer shares his experiences.


The #OCDame: Productivity Anxiety Is Pretty Much The Worst

I have a lot of anxiety about not doing enough. Not doing enough at work, at school, around the house, to help save the world from the creeping tendrils of authoritarian nationalism… the list goes on.

Do you know how hard it was to find a picture for this that was not a blonde lady in full makeup staring pensively out a window?

The #OCDame: How To Change The World When You're Too Sick To Leave The House

Showing up to occupy physical space isn’t the only way to care about the world, so why do we seem to think it is?

All I know is that having someone poke tiny holes in my skin is really effective at helping me manage my depression and anxiety.

I Feared Anti-Depressants Would Trigger My Eating Disorder, So I Tried Acupuncture Instead

Like 7.5 million other Americans, I have depression with a side of anxiety disorder. But I was scared to follow the traditional treatment plan of adding an anti-depressant to my breakfast, so I decided to try treating my conditions with acupuncture instead.

Humans are much more than opinions on a screen. (Image Credit: Unsplash/Annie Spratt)

'Do Not Let The World Make You Hard:' Timely Wisdom From Kurt Vonnegut

I have a quote on the home screen of my phone that I put up a year ago.

Eating well? Yeah. Sometimes, I hate it.

I Don't Like Self-Care. Nope.

Can we talk about self-care for a hot minute?

I kind of hate it.

Image via Flickr (Kid Cairo).

Dear Neurotypical People: Please Stop Gatekeeping OCD

During a psychology lecture in 2012, I casually mumbled to a friend that the optical illusions on the teacher's slides were “messing with my OCD,”
