Jennifer Fliss

Jennifer Fliss


Jennifer Fliss is a New York raised, Wisconsin schooled, Seattle based writer. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in diverse publications including, Ravishly, The Establishment, Brain Child Magazine, Zelle/Runner’s World, and The Citron Review. More can be found on her website,

Jennifer Fliss Articles

Lingerie for an active lifestyle

A Brief Look At What Women Wear Under Dresses

Tights with control top: We may have gone a little overboard. A few too many beers. Several too many pizza deliveries.

The clothing does not define the activity at this age; it’s not a uniform. Image: Thinkstock.

Just Because It Sparkles Doesn't Mean It's Anti-Feminist

Many people (rightfully) believe that women own their bodies, and that, therefore, they should be in control of their own bodies. So why do those same people turn around and try to define girls by their clothing?

Have fun with the boiling water, sucker.

11 Things Your Breast Pump Is Saying To You

It is the denigrating soundtrack of a breast pumping session. You, sitting at its mercy. It, just taking and taking.

It took me over 10 years to make these stories, MY stories, public. Image: Thinkstock.

I Was Abused As A Child — Now I'm Writing My Own Story

Here’s the thing: I have benefited greatly from reading stories from others, the daring narratives of those who have histories similar to my own. We feel more human when we hear that other humans relate to an experience we maybe thought was our very own private hell.

Just kidding, you're asleep. That was a dream.

It's Valentine's Day; Let There Be Coffee And Sleep And Sexless Back Rubs

You wake up to birds chirping, just kidding, you don’t, because it’s February and it’s freezing, and also you have a kid. 


Star Wars Takes A Wife

On a dark rainy night, when our toddler was asleep, he set up Star Wars: A New Hope — who knew that was what it was called? — on the laptop. I, with a skeptical brow, cozy blanket, and my phone (in case boredom struck)...

To my bullies.

A Letter To My Bullies

You held a cap gun to my head on the bus ride home from school, threatening to shoot me, day after day. I know you couldn't have known that I had something similar happening at home.

Make sure your tiny person doesn’t drown, or run, or get doused by the ginormous bucket that drops six tons of water every three minutes. This is where waterboarding came from. Effective. Torturous.

So, You Want To Take Your Kids To An Indoor Water Park Resort?

Nothing says "I’m patriotic" quite like going to a wolf-themed indoor water park resort wearing your wolf-themed t-shirt. With your floaties on. And a beer in your hand.


Chick-fil-A’s Mom’s Valet And The Not-So-Subtle Nod To The Company’s Family "Values"

Chick-fil-A is at it again. This time they’re out to help. Honestly. They’ve rolled out a new service, the Mom’s Valet. Moms can order their food via the drive-thru and then go inside the fast-food restaurant, where a table will be ready, complete with high chairs and booster seats, and then have their food brought to the table by an employee. The program isn’t implemented by their corporate office yet, but has been rolled out in over 100 Chick-fil-A outlets.
