Brianne Hogan

Brianne Hogan


Brianne Hogan is a freelance writer based in Toronto. A graduate of NYU, her byline's been featured on The Toast, Nerve, The Frisky, XOJane, among others. She loves cheese, red wine, soft pop and thinks the same is lame. Catch up with her on

Brianne Hogan Articles

Jessica O’Reilly, AKA Dr. Jess: Sexologist

advice guru. lube lover. workaholic.

Credit: Thinkstock

Forget Me Nots: When Your Best Friends Live Over The Hills And Far Away

I sent out Christmas cards this year, which I wrote upon with an actual pen. But it wasn’t always like this.

Credit: Thinkstock

On Death And Driving Lessons

Three of my grandparents died within seven months of each other. And I didn't even have a driver's license.


Liane Balaban: Actress, Menstrual Health Advocate

accidental movie star. founder of crankytown. wannabe villain.


Sonja Ahlers: Artist Of Many Trades 

From fierce bunnies to books, Sonja rocks the art world.


Slings And Splints: The First Time I Fell In Love

For a long time, romantic love was an esoteric thing to me that I assumed would occur eventually, like taxes and having your clothes dry-cleaned.


Dana Weiss: The Possessionista 

TV Fashion, Brought To You Via Blog


Heather Greene: Whiskey Expert

sommelier. noser. author. roxane gay fan.


The Trials And Tribulations Of A Cry Baby

I've cried on subways from Toronto to New York. I cried bombing an interview, going to a party that I didn’t want or because my sweater was itchy.


On The Cusp Of 32, Have I Grown Old And Ugly?

The chin hairs were the first hint of my impending senior discounts and early-bird dinners.
