Brianne Hogan

Brianne Hogan


Brianne Hogan is a freelance writer based in Toronto. A graduate of NYU, her byline's been featured on The Toast, Nerve, The Frisky, XOJane, among others. She loves cheese, red wine, soft pop and thinks the same is lame. Catch up with her on

Brianne Hogan Articles


Playing Catch-Up On The Cusp Of A New Year

I’ve decided that I no longer want to depend on an exchange of cultural consumption or “comparing lives” currency in order to feel good about myself.

Credit: Thinkstock

On Death And Driving Lessons

Three of my grandparents died within seven months of each other. And I didn't even have a driver's license.


Dana Weiss: The Possessionista 

TV Fashion, Brought To You Via Blog


Chloe Coscarelli: Vegan, Chef, Cupcake Wars Champ

Seriously, the lady is Busy with a capital “B.”


On The Cusp Of 32, Have I Grown Old And Ugly?

The chin hairs were the first hint of my impending senior discounts and early-bird dinners.


Jenny Trout: Romance, YA Writer Extraordinaire 

Jenny Trout. Abigail Barnette. Jennifer Armintrout. Missing anyone?


"Put Your Hand Up The Turkey's Ass": 3 Thanksgiving Tales

The turkey was rubbery. The mac ‘n cheese was cold. But somehow the meal was delightful.

Credit: Thinkstock

Saying Goodbye To My Imaginary Ex-Boyfriend

Last week was my imaginary ex-boyfriend's birthday. January 2, to be exact. I only know this because Facebook told me so. I had forgotten about him.


The Trials And Tribulations Of A Cry Baby

I've cried on subways from Toronto to New York. I cried bombing an interview, going to a party that I didn’t want or because my sweater was itchy.

Credit: Thinkstock

Forget Me Nots: When Your Best Friends Live Over The Hills And Far Away

I sent out Christmas cards this year, which I wrote upon with an actual pen. But it wasn’t always like this.
