Elizabeth Laura Nelson
Elizabeth Laura Nelson Articles
As a person who writes about relationships for a living, I might be one of the people least in need of all this well-meaning advice, which usually amounts to clichés and can even veer into the territory of outright insults. What I need – what most of us need – is for people to hear me, and to trust me.
Read...Sexless marriage? Couples therapists estimate that around 20 percent of marriages are sexless. Don’t give up without giving these ideas a try.
Read...In a marriage, should you really feel lonely that much of the time? And if so, then how lonely is too lonely?
Read...How far should love go?
Read...Is it hard for you to accept help when you need it?
Read...Would you really rather not get older?
Read...Researchers say that the average relationship hits the ‘comfort zone’ phase after 11 months and 24 days.
Read...Go ahead. Give in to the misery.
Read...This isn’t Sleeping Beauty. There’s no prince coming to rescue you. What relationship beliefs are standing in your way?