Gigi Engle

Gigi Engle


Gigi Engle is a writer, feminist activist and dick whisperer living in New York City. She is the sex and relationships writer for Thrillist and formerly Elite Daily. A former party girl she now enjoys reading, traveling and writing dirty, sexy things on the internet. Gigi is represented by DeFiore literary agency.

Gigi Engle Articles

It is not a woman’s job to carry the weight of the male ego.

Are Men Seriously Still That Threatened By Smart Women? (Yes?)

Men will say they want a smart woman, of course, but the moment they are faced with one; the moment a woman challenges him, or god forbid, proves him wrong, she becomes “hard to deal with,” “too intense” or “crazy.”

Doesn’t sound like you? Are you sure?

If You Do These 10 Things, You're The Problem In Your Relationship

Recognizing your own faults in relationships is hard. Here are some definitive signs you’re actually the problem in your relationship.


7 Habits That Make Someone Good In Bed

You don’t even have to be a good person to be incredible at sex, apparently (my ex proves this).

We know what we want, and we aren’t afraid to take it

The Sex Playlist Every Strong-Ass Woman Needs In Her Life

Every strong woman needs a playlist to play while having sex. She needs a compilation of her empowering badassery to put her in the mood and keep her there.

Sex positive does not mean I’m always available for sex.

The Complicated Intersection Of Being Female, Sex Positive, And Monogamous AF

It is a strange thing to find oneself at the tentative intersection of being female, sex positive, and in a long-term, monogamous relationship.

It was always about Spock for me. He wasn’t supposed to be hot, but to me, he was (and is) BANGIN.

Spock Set Me Up to Love Emotionally Unavailable Men

I spent much of my childhood fawning over episodes of Star Trek. It was always about Spock for me. Therefore, Star Trek shaped my love life.

What's a poor guy to do in this mean, Feminist world? (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

Dear Entitled Dudes, Here's How To Get A Lady

You guys have a lot of trouble dating these days, now that women have this silly notion in their marble-sized brains that they should maybe want to be treated like equals to you. HOW RIDICULOUS. EW! Luckily, you can work around these ideals. Women aren’t really smart enough to comprehend them anyway, you know?


I'm Into Vanilla Sex — Why Does That Make Me Weird?

Honestly, I’d say about 90% of the sex I have in my long-term monogamous relationship is “vanilla.” We are, believe it or not, a normal couple who does normal sex things just like anyone else. We are two people who know what the other likes and we do those things.

If you’re in a long-distance relationship, you have to be a good communicator.

6 Signs You Are Not Cut Out For A Long-Distance Relationship

Certain qualities and personality traits are solid indicators of whether or not you can hack an LDR.

To be self-aware is to understand that what you say and do affects people — and to have that fact matter to you.

Why Self Awareness Is The Most Attractive Quality 

Forget a hot bod! I just want someone who knows himself.
