Hannah Matthews
Hannah is a writer, artist, photographer, and full-time ice-cream-eater based in Portland, Maine. Her work has most recently appeared in SELF Magazine, BUST Magazine and on McSweeney's Internet Tendency. She can usually be found in the woods with her dog, in the kitchen baking a pie, or on social media yelling about stuff.
Hannah Matthews Articles
I’ve never been a fan of eating disorder recovery Before-and-After photos. I don’t find it healthy or helpful to compare and appraise the shapes and sizes of bodies.
Read...Two months after my chronic illness diagnosis, we got engaged. He has always nailed the “in health” portion of our future marriage vows.
Read...Winter is upon us! It sure can be tempting to just hunker down into that depression, and make yourself a home of blankets. But let's stay mentally healthy!
Read...I couldn’t imagine having to tell anyone that I was...divorced. It’s so silly when you really think about it: about 40-50% of marriages end in divorce.
Read...Is everyone so deeply entrenched in diet culture that we don’t even hear ourselves anymore?