Josette Souza

Josette Souza


Josette Souza is a working-class, Afro-latinx, recent first-generation college graduate who’s currently based in Mexico. She works for Everyday Feminism as the Program Coordinator (and also draws comics for the magazine) and worked previously with the Latinegr@s Project and Africa Educates. Her favorite things in the world are Black liberation, intersectional feminism, and offering her condolences to the people who failed to bring her down by telling her that getting a degree in Africana studies would mean never getting a good job.    

Josette Souza Articles

friend break.

3 Telltale Signs It's Time To Drop That Friend

If you feel a visceral positive difference in your life, if you feel a weight lifted off of your chest when you're away from that friend, then that may be the only sign you really need that this relationship isn't serving you and it's time to move on.


4 Simple Yet Effective Holiday Self-Care Tips For Adult Children Of Abusive Parents

While we can't control the range of feelings we may have during this time, we can make sure that we show ourselves the kind of love and care that we deserve.

The way I see it, college failed me, not the other way around.

3 Tips For Surviving College When You're Having A Miserably Shitty Time

I want everyone out there having a miserable college experience to know that it's not your fault, and you're not alone.

Families come in different shapes.

How My Relationship With My Legal Guardian Transformed My Notion of "Family"

So many children who grow up in broken homes are fed this notion of family that comes with strings attached. We’re told if we can just be pretty enough, smart enough, quiet enough, obedient enough, good enough, then we’ll get the love we crave so deeply, as if family is something that we must barter for.

move right along.

Dear Middle-Class White People: I Am Not Here For Your Privilege and Entitlement

And, as I have now recently learned, when you're a formerly-poor, still-sorta-working-class first-generation college graduate of color with a shiny new Bachelor's and an even shinier new full-time dream job at a huge online independent feminist magazine, absolutely no one tells you about the bullshit your former classmates will try to pull with you.


3 Things I've Learned About White Feminism Abroad

Given white feminists' continuous attempts at erasing, silencing, and co-opting people of color and their struggles, I can assure you that the gains people of color, and particularly women of color, have achieved up to today have been made in spite of white feminism, not because of it.
