Kevin Nordstrom
Kevin Nordstrom
Kevin Nordstrom Articles
Aside from the usual stuff that normal people have to deal with on a daily basis, I have to constantly monitor my stress level, as it can cause my symptoms to act up. These symptoms can range from difficulty concentrating to hallucinations of bugs, lights, shadows, and even people if I get really bad. As you might expect, this can be tricky when it comes to relationships. Most people can’t let go of the fact that you don’t hang up your towel or do your share of the dishes. Toss in hallucinations? Well, let’s just say not everyone’s the most comfortable around me.
Read...This week in Ask #AuntGinger: oral sex.
Read...This week, Aunt Ginger talks about cake.
Read...This week, Aunt Ginger is taking a much needed sick day! Even purple-haired sex shop moguls have to slow down and remember to practice self-care.
Read...The election is over! Yay? Not really, but at least we can take this moment to pause, breathe, and decompress.
Read...This week in Aunt Ginger, Winston has a new girlfriend, and herpes. Aunt Ginger helps him out.
Read...This week in Aunt Ginger, FREE THE NIPPLE!
Read...This week in Aunt Ginger we're talking about Mental Health Awareness. Ginger offers strategies for mental health self-care.
Read...I haven’t really written anything in a while.