Pauline Campos

Pauline Campos


Pauline Campos is an artist, Aspie-Mom, and author of Be Your Own F*cking Sunshine: An Inspirational Journal for People Who Like to Swear and Babyfat: Adventures in Motherhood, Muffin Tops, & Trying to Stay Sane. ADHD is her superpower. Pauline Lives in Minnesota, but will always be from Detroit. Find her on Facebook and Twitter: @pauline_campos.

Pauline Campos Articles

“Know what, mama? It’s a good thing I’m good at falling.”

Good At Falling

In a flash, my daughter was back on her feet and just a few steps forward, she was letting herself sink into the snow once more. “I love this, mama! I’m so good at falling!”

“Is autism my super power?” she asked me, giggling.

Being A Voice For My Daughter's Autism 

“Is autism my super power?” she asked me, giggling.

I am proud of the fact that I pushed and continued to push for her autism evaluation, as this is where all the validation in the world has erased the sting of judgment from strangers.

Things Well-Meaning Adults Say To My Autistic Child

People should stop assuming things about my autistic child.

Mommy gets to swear because Mommy isn't nine.

Why I Won’t Stop Swearing In Front Of My Kid

I have earned the right to swear simply by being an adult. Mommy gets to swear because Mommy isn't nine.

Our relationship — and the complexities of falling in love and marrying a partner on the other end of the sleep spectrum — is not unique.

The Early Bird & The Night Owl: A Love Story

Our relationship — and the complexities of falling in love and marrying a partner on the other end of the sleep spectrum — is not unique.


Stop Shaming Parents For Letting Their Kids Play With iPads On Family Outings

No shame. No room for good, old-fashioned, parent-shaming from ignorant onlookers who may have assumed my husband and I are too weak to ignore the siren call of easily portable Apple products in order to avoid having to actually converse with one another when out in public.

The face I make when fairy tales suck.

Starbucks, Unicorns, & Broken Dreams 

We went out on Saturday as a family — a full day left with the infamous unicorn frappuccino still on the menu. The idea was to taste the fairy-tale magic.


Parenthood: Learning To Let Go

As each moment came to pass, I relaxed just a little more. She wasn’t the only one learning to let go. This is parenthood!

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Just Hand Out The Candy: How To Not Be A Judgmental Halloween Jerk

You signed up for this Halloween evening of handing out candy. Let’s review the rules for how not to be a judgmental Halloween jerk.
