Samantha Pajor
Samantha Pajor Articles
“Every woman who appears wrestles with the faces that would have her disappear. She struggles with the forces that would tell her story for her, or write her out of the story… The ability to tell your own story, in words or images, is already a victory, already a revolt.”
Read...Whether or not we like to admit it, pop culture is a lens through which we alternately view and shape the world around us. When it comes to feminism, pop culture aids us in translating feminist philosophies, issues, and concepts into everyday language, making them relevant and relatable.
Read...“Roxane Gay may call herself a bad feminist but she is a badass writer. . . . Reading Bad Feminist is like having a fascinating (one-way) conversation with an extremely smart, well-read, funny and thoughtful party guest. Here’s hoping we have another encounter soon.” (Associated Press)
Read..."A necessary read in these fraught times. Starting with the title essay, which went viral and inspired the ever-useful term “mansplaining,” Solnit writes powerfully about the ways in which power is wielded in today’s society, and brings awareness to the staggering inequalities that we wrestle with on a daily basis."
Read...Here are our titles for September! Take a look at the descriptions and choose which one you want to read and discuss most. Our runner-up from last month is also included! Voting ends at midnight (CST) on Sunday, August 30th.
Read...Let’s Read About Feminism is an online, feminist book club with over 500 members from all over the world. Whether you’re new to feminism or have been active in the movement for years, this book club is for you!
Read...A fun, accessible, and relatable read that was impressive in its range and thoughtfulness. Most of all, it was thought-provoking. I wrote lots of notes while reading, including questions it inspired me to ask myself and consider. I enjoyed that it offered an introduction to feminism that was cognizant of reservations that some people may have about feminism.
Read...“You may think you're familiar with the facts in Everyday Sexism. But nothing can prepare you for the emotional punch of hearing the stories of so many real women, from so many backgrounds, each struggling in a world that refuses to see them as fully human. Laura Bates deftly makes visible the spider web of oppression that holds us back and binds us all together.” (
Read...One of the consequences of sexism being so normalized in Western culture is that many people, women included, have a hard time recognizing 1) what it is, and 2) why it’s (still) a crisis.
Read..."Conversations about feminism are everywhere, but what does it mean to be a feminist? What do feminists really believe in and advocate for? How can those of us who already identify as feminists work to be better, more inclusive, more understood?"