It’s OK to do something you normally wouldn’t do and for some reason, giving myself weird “permission” was what I needed. While it was true that Lori wouldn’t normally do something like this, maybe that was the exact reason she should.
Read...They don’t care about you. As long as you are meeting their ransom demands, the rest of your life is irrelevant.
Read...I say this: Stop fat-shaming my toddler son. Fat will not make him fat. Fat does not make him unhealthy.
Read...The first time I remember learning what a safeword was, I was sitting in my college dorm, devouring blogs about kink and BDSM. It all seemed so foreign to me, a teenager who couldn’t imagine real people doing any of the taboo things these blogs talked about.
Read...Reasons why we should defund Planned Parenthood because plays an integral role in ensuring women have control over their bodies and reproductive choices.
Read...We spend a lot of time thinking about our bodies; our faces, our fat, our bellies. We love them. We loath them. This is a tale of ten tummies.
Read...I’m never going to say, “Because I said so.” And all of the other parenting things I said I would never do and then totally did!
Read...Target’s lack of gender signage is obviously a sinful, confusing disaster. You should definitely never shop there again. But just in case you ever need to buy a gift for your kid and Wal-Mart is closed, here are some tips for how to navigate the Godless dystopia that is the new unlabeled toy section of Target: