
8 Tiny Kindnesses: Things To Do For Those In Need

I’m a firm believer that Tiny Kindnesses can change the world, one sweet, loving gesture at a time.


Films That Totally Fail The Sexy Lamp Test

I don’t think the bar is low enough. We obviously need a way to work up to the Bechdel Test. Baby steps. And we all know women love babies.


Is Your iPhone Sexist And Racist?

"It appears that Apple finds sexism and racism is a bit… well, predictable. Even in texting. At least, that’s what it seems to be with Apple’s program."

Photo Credit: Augusto Cezar

Nailed To The Cross: Interview With Viviany Belebony And Her Fight Against Transphobia (Warning: Graphic Images)

When trans woman Viviany Belebony, 26, shocked the Brazilian public in the beginning of June by parading in São Paulo LGBT Pride as a bloody, naked version of crucified Jesus Christ, an extremely conservative public claimed blasphemy.


Confession: My Fear Of Being Thought A Racist Led To A Black Eye

"The biggest boy assured me they would be. But the ball play got even more intense. Were they aiming the ball at my kids or was it just my imagination?"


What It Means To Be Bisexual And Pass As Straight

While I have dated and slept with both men and women in my life, I happen to be married to a man. This fact automatically means that I “pass” in most situations, although I still identify as bisexual. People see my opposite-sex partner and assume I am straight.


5 Things To Eat Now That We Know Instant Noodles Are Toxic

Guys, stop eating instant noodles. Seriously, they found lead in them. LEAD. Besides this, our stomachs can not digest them.

San Francisco Protest

Coming Out: MY Gay Agenda and Fundy Transformation

"...gayness was everywhere in music and theater. I couldn’t escape it. I resisted, I resisted it hard but still they pulled me in and drew me, seducing me with their rainbows and show tunes."
