Melissa Petro
Melissa Petro Articles
Engagements being the universally stressful occasions that they are, what this has meant is that I’m constantly pushing my fiancé to make wedding-related decisions, and he is constantly having to ask me (nicely and less-nicely) to give it a rest. It all came to a head this past weekend.
Read...It's pretty well understood in 12 step programs that "who you see here and what you say here, stays here."
Read...Arran and I joke that no one wants to go to a wedding, not really— and maybe that’s true, but (perhaps naively) we had thought of the day as a gift to everyone involved, including ourselves.
Read...Want to work responsibly on the issue of sex trafficking? Here’s some of what you should know.
Read...Everyone I talk to agrees: Apparently, wedding planning is the most awful thing ever! Seriously, I did not know that when I first got engaged. This got me thinking... What else don’t I know?
Read...If you watch TV and movies hoping to be emotionally moved or intellectually challenged, you know that means you’ll some
Read...The biggest fashion mistake of my lifetime may not be what I wore, but what I didn’t.
Read...You may have heard the old joke that 98% of people masturbate, and the other two percent are lying.
Read...I do have one advantage when it comes to meeting people online: I really like dating. I like getting dressed up and going out. I even kind of dig meeting someone new. I know these are aspects of dating other people dread, but I’ve always enjoyed these things. Perhaps this is one explanation for (or else a result of) my sex work past, I dunno. I know that, in the beginning, I thought of dating as an adventure. I didn’t take it too seriously.
Read...Is there anything problematic about trading foot rubs for blow jobs? Or is it a healthy way to add a little spice to a long term relationship?