Jenni Berrett

Jenni Berrett


Jenni Berrett is a 19 year old writer and dog walker living in the Central Valley of California. She is a big fan of all things literary, feminist, and featuring Amy Poehler. She has a knack for rap lyrics and a strange obsession with Werner Herzog documentaries (they are boring and exciting AT THE SAME TIME). You can find her on Twitter @jenni__bee.

Jenni Berrett Articles


5 Lady-Led Podcasts You Need In Your Life

Podcasts are a beautiful thing, but there is only so much of Ira Glass’ nasal story-telling out there.

The premise is pretty simple: We each give you one thing to watch, one thing to listen to, and one thing to read over the weekend.

Read/Watch/Listen To This: Dogs, Obviously

We have returned from our long (jk, two week) hiatus to deliver you the Internet you live and breathe for!


Marina Watanabe: Feminist YouTuber, Pasta Lover

Marina, if you're reading this, please be our BFF.

From Broad City, 2.8

Hey, Ladies: Pop Culture Lessons On Masturbation

“Girls don’t masturbate, right? I don’t masturbate. Do you masturbate? Can girls masturbate? I don’t think they can — I’m pretty sure my mom doesn’t.”


3 Tips For Eating Well When You're Really F*cking Depressed

In the midst of struggling with being depressed, you’re also saddled with the practical realities of staying alive. It’s no easy feat.

The premise is pretty simple: We each give you one thing to watch, one thing to listen to, and one thing to read over the weekend.

Read/Watch/Listen To This: Chihuahua Police Chase Edition

This week includes mostly chihuahuas. You're welcome.


The Messiness Of Mormonism

Culturally speaking, though, it’s pretty much set in stone. Even if I left the church entirely, there’s no getting out of my heritage. Cut me open; I’ll bleed funeral potatoes. I’m what you call a “legacy Mormon” — my ancestors migrated across the frontier and settled in Utah (then Mexico) after facing unspeakable persecution from countless communities in the United States. You probably know my ancestors best as the people with the wives.

If you’re hoping to comfort someone who’s grieving, here are a couple of things you shouldn’t do.

My Dad Died — Here Are 3 Things You SHOULDN'T Do To Help Me

My dad died. I only know my own grief, and even that is debatable. If you’re hoping to comfort someone who’s grieving, here are a couple of things to know.


Put Nicki Minaj On The 10 Dollar Bill

There has been a lot of discussion about the who of this ten dollar bill. We have until 2020, but there are already some popular suggestions: Harriet Tubman. Rosa Parks. Eleanor Roosevelt.
