Most stories involving robots that have been developed to think and feel end with robot uprisings and the near annihilation of the human race. A Japanese company that sells small robots for personal use has a different concern –– robot sex.
Softbank, a Japanese mobile phone company, began selling a small human-like robot named Pepper in June. And, hidden in and amongst the usual terms and conditions in its user agreement, are stipulations that owners "must not perform any sexual act” or “other indecent behavior” with the robot. WELL THEN.
In case you're wondering, Pepper does not have a mouth, much less a penis or vagina; it's only four feet tall and moves on wheels. Pepper is by no means a walking, talking sex toy.
Softbank didn't respond to USA Today's request for comment, so the world may never know what inspired the company to add robot sex to its user agreement. Usually, however, these bizarre items are included to minimize liability in response to actual customer incidents, so there may very well be someone who got hurt while trying to fuck a robot.
While watching The Jetsons as a child has led to nothing but disappointment and broken dreams –– because damn it, we were all supposed to have flying cars and robot chefs by the year 2000 –– I can't say that I've ever mourned the absence of robot sex partners in my life. Apparently, that makes me unique.
But don't worry –– if you DO want to have nasty robot sex, Real Doll has your back. The company announced in June that it's developing a moving, talking, AI head that can be switched between the company's existing sex doll bodies. If those robots ever become sentient, the men of the world better run.