Grace Brumley

What is your fondest memory?
It's very recent, but I did a cross-country trip this summer. And that was super fun. The entire thing was just wild. It was seven days of non-stop traveling and meeting people. I'm from New York, and I was driving my friend from New York to here for a job a couple months ago, and then I ended up moving here a couple months later.

What did you like most about the trip?
I'd never seen the desert areas in Arizona, so that was what I was most excited for oddly enough! We stopped in tons of cities and met up with lot of old friends but that was something I was really excited for.

What would your past self think of your present self?
Probably that I've gotten...not boring, but...I used to be very wild, and now I'm definitely just more mature with age. So my old me would probably think that I've gotten kind of lame. I'm not the party girl that I was. [laughs]

What would you name your autobiography?
Where Can I Get A Donut Around Here? I love donuts and I eat them all the time and every new city that I go to I seek out donuts.

What has been your favorite one so far?
I haven't found my perfect donut spot here in SF yet, but in New York, Peter Pan Donuts is so good! They're pretty traditional, because they've been around for a long time. I prefer the classic Homer Simpson donut with the strawberry icing and sprinkles on it, but I love all donuts.

Tell me about your personal style!
It changes all the time –– most recently, I'm feeling a combination of minimalism and really eclectic finds from thrift and vintage stores.


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