
Here are some strategies for protecting your children from becoming the victims of their trusted leaders.

The Stranger Isn't The Danger: 8 Ways To Protect Your Kids From Sexual Abuse In Sports

Sexual abuse in sports is very real. Studies suggest about 7% of athletes have experienced abuse at the hand of a coach. So how do you keep your kids safe?

I love him in spite of myself. I have good memories of him. I don’t want him to die.

My Father Abused Me, And Now He's Dying

My dad had an explosive anger that he took out on his children. My father abused me and I love him in spite of myself. I don’t want him to die.

I’m so glad I’m no longer letting myself be someone else’s collateral damage.

Bad Bosses: A Guide To Excusing Yourself From Abuse

I know myself to be a hard worker and a loyal one, but being a good employee doesn’t require you to sacrifice your sense of self or health, for a bad boss.

I realized that Chanukkah is about reclaiming identity.

Abuse And Identity: A Chanukkah Story

I realized that Chanukkah, beyond the overloaded latke plates, called to me as a narrative about escaping abusive situations and reclaiming identity.

Even now, I hesitate to call my child’s behavior abusive. But it’s impossible to avoid the parallels between my situation now and how I felt when I was being abused by my partner.

When Your Child Is Abusive

Yelling. Throwing things. Name-calling. The only thing that holds me back from calling my teenager’s behavior abuse is that they are my child.

My experience with financial abuse has certainly made me wiser and more cautious with the management of my financial affairs.

What Every Woman Needs To Know About Financial Abuse And Neglect

My experience with financial abuse has certainly made me wiser and more cautious with the management of my financial affairs.

If all of these women at the top food chain are coming out with such terrible stories of abuse, you can only imagine what it’s like at the bottom.

The Entertainment Industry Protects Abusers

The entertainment industry allows abuse to flourish and allows abusers to hide behind fancy titles and big credits.


It's International #DayOfTheGirl And These Girls Are About To Make You Cry

Why do we need International #DayOfTheGirl? Because every five minutes a girl dies as a result of violence. That's why. Nothing more needs to be said.
