
I love her body because it’s hers.

Navigating Body Size Diversity In A Lesbian Relationship

Experience body size diversity in a lesbian relationship is our journey. Our bodies connect us, remind us of our humanness, and for this, I am grateful.

Image credit: Pablo Heimplatz via Unsplash

These 3 Factors Will Determine Who You Marry

Love is in our reach, but still always somewhat out of our hands. Here are three factors that will determine who you marry.

 I was excited! This was wild! No one could accuse me of playing it safe anymore!

On Learning To Take Leaps For Love

I was convinced that by taking a leap so out of character — so spontaneous and unexpected — I had changed the very trajectory of my love life.

"A fake “poke” could lead to a real one, but nothing ever stuck, and why should it? Unfettered access to endless opportunities galvanizes the guarded masses."

Before The Internet, Love Was Simpler

My phone is now silent by design, but I’m still nostalgic for the days when single people met off-line. I long for genuine closeness and sustained concentration, including my own. I’ve become a person who is perturbed if I text and receive a phone call in reply. I’ve gotten lax in making in-person time for people when I have the ability to consume snippets of their lives online between Netflix originals.


I'm Sick Of Men Confusing My Assertiveness With Being Needy

Why is it when women speak our minds assertively it’s deemed needy?


You Have A Partner, So Why Are You Still Doing So Much Of The Work?

This labor, the work of being a female, has been our work so long that no one really knows what a truly equally yoked household looks like.

To be self-aware is to understand that what you say and do affects people — and to have that fact matter to you.

Why Self Awareness Is The Most Attractive Quality 

Forget a hot bod! I just want someone who knows himself.
