Jessica Wendroff
Jessica Wendroff Articles
“Relationship goals, relationship goals, relationship goals." Enough already.
Read...“Slow and steady wins the race.” It's a phrase I learned back when I was rocking pigtails and a Spice Girls sticker-book was my most prized possess
Read...I broke my bad habits after I took a full year to be completely single and establish my self-worth, and fully love and accept myself and past mistakes.
Read...Anytime I ever crushed on a guy who didn’t reciprocate feelings for me I would think to myself, “Damn, I’m so stupid, something must be wrong with
Read...Wonder Woman, Super Girl, Poison Ivy and other "Super" females are known for being mighty.
Read...Relationships are awesome! Well, at first. After some time, hormones die down, and fights occur more and more. I'm my best self when single!
Read...Love is respect. Everyone needs consent, and that doesn’t exclude your significant other. I’ll say it plainly: partners need consent too.
Read...Directors and other movie magicians alike have used their platforms to bring paintings to life. Here are horror films inspired by paintings.
Read...If you only stop and reflect, here are some of the beautiful things you might realize you’ve left your old life behind when you leave your hometown.
Read...I took so long to get over my ex because I put him on a false pedestal in my head. I wasn’t actually happy when I was with him, but when I was without him I would lose my mind thinking about him.