
“It’s your day!” —  Britni De La Cretaz, on her day. Image: Justine Johnson Photography

Becoming Bride: The Best Advice From Real-Life Brides

Everyone I talk to agrees: Apparently, wedding planning is the most awful thing ever! Seriously, I did not know that when I first got engaged. This got me thinking... What else don’t I know?

We want him to know that while things will change when his sister gets here, he can always come to us for anything, and we will always make time for him. Image:  Elizabeth Kardaseva/Pixabay.

5 Things I Plan On Doing Before I Become A Mom Of Two

I’m not going to lie or sugarcoat my feelings right now — I’m nervous about going from a mom of one to a mom of two. My son is seven, so he, my husband, and I have had seven years of time as “just the three of us.”

When he said he loved me, I knew it was true. Image: Melissa Petro.

Becoming Bride: The Engagement Party

When I first got sober, I started to accept that the “happy” occasions in life — holidays, birthdays and other special events — might not only feel happy. When I’m “supposed” to feel good, I feel nervous, anxious, and embarrassed. The center of attention, I feel vulnerable and on display.

Lost your job? No what?

You've Lost Your Job. Now What?

After the initial shock and panic, it’s easy to wallow in a sea of self-pity (over a bottle of red). But don’t let it be all doom and gloom. Dust yourself off, get your Olivia Pope thinking-cap on and get it ‘handled’.

Can we send flowers to her? Credit: YouTube

Watch: Pregnant Protester Takes Down Anti-Abortionists

"You don't know why people are doing what they're doing . . . I think this is so wrong, on so many levels."
