
Yari Vanessaa And The (Dis)Illusion Of Internet Fame

What are the mental repercussions of Instagram fame and can they lead to suicide?


The Tough Lessons I Learned From A Tragic Teen Suicide Close To Home

It started out like any other Friday fall morning. The foliage was slowly turning to stunning yellows, reds, and oranges. Workers and students alike were heading off to their respective responsibilities, likely looking forward to the weekend.


What It's Like Growing Up Terrorized By A Brother With Schizophrenia

My brother, Frederick, was eight when I was born. I don't know if he was happy to have a sister or resented me being born, as it was difficult to get any kind of reading on what he was thinking or feeling. I never felt any love or affection from him — unless his way of showing it was through emotional and physical abuse.

It's OK to say it out loud.

5 Things I Learned From Being Admitted To A Mental-Health Crisis Clinic

Thanks to a number of different stressful factors, I was sent to the Centre For Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) emergency department recently at the "professional advice" (read: insistence) of my general physician. This all happened because I admitted to planning the care of my beloved cats in case I killed myself.


Reading Rachel Bryk’s Obituary Is Like Reading My Own

Spurred onto suicide by bullies, we’ve lost someone who could have been part of the world, not separated from it.

Credit: ThinkStock

Ravish Me This . . . Top 5 Reads Of The Week

From gay porn to satire skewering masculinity, we know how to usher you into April right.

April is the cruelest month.            Courtesy of Thinkstock

Spring Has Sprung And It's Suicide Weather

Spring is the realization that if you can't believe in the possibility of change, then what have you got left?


Fiction Friday: At Fourteen

His mouth was soft. He could swear, make out, act indifferent, complain, and get embarrassed all in five minutes.
