
On proving that determination can show up at any age. (Image credit: Kristi Pahr)

I Climbed A Mother Effing Mountain

I’m lazy as hell, you guys. I know it’s true and I’m not particularly ashamed.

"Mental illness is hard. Being a person is hard. Don’t try to do it alone." | Image Credit: Rhendi Rukmana via Unsplash

The Obsessive-Compulsive Dame: Ask For Help

Mental illness is hard. Being a person is hard. Don’t try to do it alone.

"I inhabited my body instead of observing it."

5 Truly Simple, Purely Practical Tips For Everyday Body Positivity

I'm all about body positivity practices that require self reflection a

"I inhabited my body instead of observing it."

5 Truly Simple, Purely Practical Tips For Everyday Body Positivity

I'm all about body positivity practices that require self reflection a

It's not the food you need to watch out for.

The Completely Unexpected Side Effect Of Intuitive Eating

When I first learned about a non-diet approach to eating (which you might call intuitive eating, attuned eating, or just “listening to your body and not freaking out”), it seemed pretty straightforward: Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full, and choose foods based on what your body wants and craves.

It's not the food you need to watch out for.

The Completely Unexpected Side Effect Of Intuitive Eating

When I first learned about a non-diet approach to eating (which you might call intuitive eating, attuned eating, or just “listening to your body and not freaking out”), it seemed pretty straightforward: Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full, and choose foods based on what your body wants and craves.

You have a right to exist in this world.

Just Stop Being Sorry

Last month, I heard my kid say "I'm sorry" to a complete stranger at Target for no reason.
