Kristi Pahr
Kristi Pahr Articles
It seems like everyone is an introvert these days.
Read...My parenting mantra is: "Do your best and hope he doesn't turn into a sociopath." And I guess that's really all we can do, because if we're honest with ourselves, I think none of us really know what we're doing.
Read...I’m frazzled, y’all; I’m a mess. I’m a basketcase of anxiety and stress and I need to chill.
Read...I’m not a TV person. I used to be, but not so much anymore.
Read...I think we can all agree that there is some messed up stuff happening right now.
Read...Life looks a lot different at 40 than it did at 25, and I have a whole new list of things to worry about. It's a very long list, and it makes me anxious on the best day, plain terrified on the worst day, and on a run-of-the-mill day, it just keeps reminding me that I'm clueless about what to think and what to do and how to be grown.
Read...Things as simple as a missed call from an unknown number or someone knocking on your door put me into straight up fight or flight. I really do hide from people who come to my door. Real talk, I have gotten on my hands and knees below a window so they wouldn’t see me. I’ve even hidden in the closet. I know. Whacko.
Read...My version of self-care is a little less “best life” and a little more “no life”, but it works for me.
Read...I’m lazy as hell, you guys. I know it’s true and I’m not particularly ashamed.
Read...Essential oils have become incredibly popular and can be found everywhere from your local farmer’s market and community festival to social media.