Kristi Pahr

Kristi Pahr


Kristi is a stay at home mom with two small boys and a very messy house. She and her family raise goats and pigs and she pretends to know something about homesteading. She went to college in the 90s and didn’t learn much, but she met her husband there, so it wasn’t a total waste of time. They were married a short time later and have spent the last 16 years trying to “settle down” and “be normal”. It’s been a huge and glorious mess. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter. Read her blog

Kristi Pahr Articles

Holidays Survival Guide. Sangria? Check. (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

An Introvert’s Guide To The Holidays

It seems like everyone is an introvert these days.

image credit: Thinkstock

Doing Nothing: Self-Care For The Truly Lazy 

My version of self-care is a little less “best life” and a little more “no life”, but it works for me.

Baby + lost salary = struggle (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

Raising Our Family On One Income: Chaotic But Worth It

I know how it feels to not contribute financially to the household. I know how it feels to be completely dependent on someone else for my financial stability. I know how it feels to know that if something dreadful and unthinkable happened, I’d be completely destitute. And it’s terrifying.

Even Phone Calls Make Me Anxious; Am I Alone?

Even Phone Calls Make Me Anxious — Am I Alone?

Things as simple as a missed call from an unknown number or someone knocking on your door put me into straight up fight or flight. I really do hide from people who come to my door. Real talk, I have gotten on my hands and knees below a window so they wouldn’t see me. I’ve even hidden in the closet. I know. Whacko.

The comments I get, you would not believe. (Image Credit: Kristi Pahr)

Life As A 39-Year-Old With Fully Gray Hair

I found my first gray hair when I was 12 years old. Twelve. I had gray hair before I had a period.

Your partner, spouse, baby-daddy (or mama) unfortunately gets pushed to the bottom of the list of things you want messing with your vagina. (Image: Thinkstock)

Sex After Childbirth: 7 Things You Really Should Know

Once your doctor or midwife has cleared you for sex and you’re feeling ready to get back in the saddle, so to speak, there are a few things you’ll need to mentally prep yourself for.

Image Credit: Thinkstock

The Day My Son Punched Me In The Face

My parenting mantra is: "Do your best and hope he doesn't turn into a sociopath." And I guess that's really all we can do, because if we're honest with ourselves, I think none of us really know what we're doing.

Oh Fraggle Rock, what a wondrous nostalgia you evoke. (Image Credit: Flickr/Cliff)

My Kids Don't Care About Fraggle Rock Or Its Anniversary & I'm A Little Sad About That

I’m not a TV person. I used to be, but not so much anymore.

image credit: Peter Hershey via Unsplash

Zen Meditation For Beginners: This Is Harder Than It Looks

I’m frazzled, y’all; I’m a mess. I’m a basketcase of anxiety and stress and I need to chill.
