
On Peter’s date, it looks like he’s low-key leading her on. He’s not all in, and seems super fake. Peter’s body language looks closed-off to me. He just doesn't know if Rachel’s the one. (Image Credit: Instagram/thebacheloretteabc)

Fake Cheeks & Fake Love: Bachelorette Review

This week, we visit Rachel’s hometown of Dallas, TX, with the three men left - Peter, Eric, and Bryan. All but Bryan win family approval before the trio of dudes meet up with Rachel in Spain, where Peter brings some major drama of his own.

I’m here alone. I’m free and clear of all attachments.

Learning To Love The Grey: Leaving Behind The Ghosts Of Loves Past In New Orleans

Loving means giving up control. Releasing something to the universe. It’s not prescriptive. There is no place for black and white in love. It’s the ultimate grey.

" Our relationship doesn’t just work because we love each other unconditionally; it works because we both try hard to maintain it."

How To Be A Supportive Partner While Managing Your ADHD

Remembering to do things isn’t exactly my strong suit, so I need to actively plan so that my partner isn’t the only one making lists, cleaning the dishes, and checking that our bills are paid on time.


What’s Not Said: A Love Letter From Your Friend, The Flake

Please know that us flakes usually are dealing with something more than being lazy or disinterested. Flakes are usually ashamed and angry at themselves for not being able to speak out or address things “properly,” so a little love can go a long way.

"What is very clear to me is that you do not feel secure in this relationship." (image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp)

Ask Erin: Help! I’m Jealous Of My Boyfriend’s BFF’s Relationship 

She’s made all the mistakes, so you don’t have to… Ask Erin is a weekly advice column, in which Erin answers your burning questions about anything at all.

Let’s stop asking if things are acceptable, and instead, simply accept them.

I'm Tired Of Having To Justify My Interracial Marriage 

No matter what color or creed you are, it’s obvious that tolerance is a journey that the entire human race is embarking on right now as we speak. Let’s stop asking if things are acceptable, and instead, simply accept them.


Love In A Red Box: The Unexpected Heartbreak Of My Friends-With-Benefits Fling

Long Reads is a bimonthly feature, showcasing long-form essays. 

image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

Why Are We So Obsessed With Monogamy?

So why monogamy and not polyamory? Why not love as many people as you can?
