
The Universal Standard aesthetic is sleek and minimalist. It looks to me like a great brand for wardrobe staples that you can dress up or down. (Image Credit: Instagram/universalstandard)

Universal Standard: High Quality, Plus Size Clothing That You Can Exchange Up To A Year

Universal Standard's co-founder Alexandra Waldman says she was inspired by her own misadventures in shopping for larger sizes, which resulted in “a hodgepodge look, without the ability to express your own style.”

image credit: Netflix, Puss In Boots, Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure With Netflix: Puss In Boots, Plus Some Fat Phobia

As we’d expect, there is no happily ever after here, at least not for Puss.

Kourtney’s so-called detox plan sounds more like masochism than nutrition. (Image Credit: Instagram/kourtneykardash)

Kourtney Kardashian Detox Plan: Just Say NO

Kourtney Kardashian is a good source of entertainment and style inspiration. However, her detox diet sounds stupid and probably bad for you and also won’t detox you because you are not toxic.

Rachel cuts a lot of guys loose as the season heads towards its final few episodes. (Image Credit: Instagram/bacheloretteabc)

Bachelorette Recap: Rachel Says Bye To Lee, Finally (But Why Alex?!)

These past two episodes have been very emotionally taxing, but I feel relieved that the show has been rid of distractions like the feud between Lee and Kenny.

Every story we tell is more evidence that access to healthcare for ordinary Americans is more valuable than any package of tax cuts for millionaires. (Image Credit: Flickr/LaDawna Howard)

Opposition To The Senate Health Bill Delays The Vote. Viva La Resistance!

Some of Republican senators' discomfort with voting for their health bill is due to groups of frantic activists who have been pummeling the Senate phone lines, showing up at Senate offices, and even staging a “People’s Filibuster” by rallying on the steps of the Capitol. All of them are begging their elected officials to represent the interests of the sick and the poor, not just the rich and powerful.

image credit: Sholom Ber Solomon via Instagram

This Dad And His Baby Have Won Our Hearts

Parents this awesome just remind me how I don't even have a baby book for 4 out of 5 of my children.


John McEnroe Insults Serena Williams, Proves, Once Again, That He's A Total Bastard

Bitch, please. Serena is like a million months pregnant and she could STILL whip your ass.

I’m not looking forward to watching two hours sprinkled with "Snake" Lee abusing the Black cast members, and I feel especially bad for Kenny, who deserves a real shot at love. (YouTube/Anna Marie)

Bachelorette Episode 5 Review, Part One: Glorifying Racist Trash For Ratings

This entire Lee vs. Kenny storyline is trash, and shame on ABC for thinking it was a good idea to exploit the "Angry Black Man" trope for Bachelorette ratings. In real life, this stereotype literally gets people killed.
