You know how humans sometimes put out in order to pay their rent? Well, penguins put out to get building materials for their nests.
Read...We will not be having our first woman president and I, for one, must grieve. A dream deferred.
Read...What do you say? What do you say when the unthinkable happens?
Read...I was born into an upper-middle class family in Los Angeles. I live in a liberal bubble in New York City. For my friends who are far more marginalized than I have ever been, this may not have been a shock.
Read...The Next Web calls the guy who made this abomination a “hero,” but I’d err more along the lines of “diabolical evil super genius whose Promethean hubris is sure to get us all killed by a talking fish.”
Read...It's finally Friday, which means it's time to have a little fun.
Read...With four and a half days left before this election ends once and for all, I am probably not alone in my obsession with polls. And I’m probably not the first to admit that this is not a healthy way to be living.
Read...One question here: why is a major government agency unable to fix its Twitter account for over a year? Two questions: Who is Marc Rich?