
Take your pick!

Why I'll Be Buying The New Curvy Barbie Doll

When I saw the photos of the Curvy Barbie, I actually teared up. She is beautiful.

For the very first time, I was well and I was whole.

I Didn't Ask For Your Opinion On My Psych Meds

I don’t want your green smoothie recipe, your yoga pamphlet, or your Google search results on the meds I take.

Ask the author about the cake incident.

OK, I Quit My Diet. Now What? #DitchTheDiet2016

My first low-carb diet seemed like a miracle at the outset, but it ended badly when I found myself at a wedding reception eating countless pieces of discarded cake from the garbage can (ahem).

Eating pineapple all the time = being tired of pineapple.

14 F#cked Up Diets I Cannot Believe I Tried

The Cabbage Soup Diet, aka The "Torture” Diet. You just put cabbage in water and cook it. And you eat it. All day. It is not good. You will still be hungry, and farting — very smelly, paint-peeling farting.

Eating pineapple all the time = being tired of pineapple.

14 F#cked Up Diets I Cannot Believe I Tried

The Cabbage Soup Diet, aka The "Torture” Diet. You just put cabbage in water and cook it. And you eat it. All day. It is not good. You will still be hungry, and farting — very smelly, paint-peeling farting.


How A Chronic Yeast Infection Taught Me The Meaning Of True Love

About a year and a half ago, I started having something a little strange go down in my nether regions.

It's about the shit culture that we live in — one in which sexuality education comes mostly from mainstream pornography and locker room talks, and where disrespect for and objectification of women runs rampant. Image:

20 Things Guys Have Actually Said To Me In Bed

In my experience dating and sleeping with straight, cisgender dudes who worship hegemonic masculinity, I’ve noticed that there’s something really — umm — special about how they go about sexuality.


3 Things That Will Transform Your Intimate Relationship In 2016

Unlike the exercise and dieting regimes you have to stick to for quite some time before seeing any effects, here are just three things you can do that will have an immediate positive impact on the quality and depth of your relationship.
