Joni Edelman

Joni Edelman


Joni Edelman is a 40 year-old mother of five (ages 3 to19!), wife, RN, and freelance writer. Also notable, had a baby in her kitchen. Favorite activities include: gardening, hoarding yarn, cake (baking and eating). Less favorite activities include: laundry, laundry, laundry. Joni has appeared on The Today Show, Inside Edition, The Rachael Ray Show, Weekend Sunrise Australia, Canada AM, and Sirius Radio. In print you can find Joni's story in The Daily Mail, The Chicago Tribune, Huffington Post, Yahoo, and a host of others, but you're probably bored of all this nonsense by now. Completely understandable. Joni aspires to inspire. You can check out her personal website here.

Joni Edelman Articles

My spiritual awakening found its way.

In Search Of A Spiritual Awakening

I guess the point of a spiritual awakening is just that; if you were already awake, you wouldn’t need a moment that was self-defining. You’d already be defined.


In Defense Of Nutella, The Wonderfood

Help. Me. Please. And by help me, I mean, bring me my jumbo size jar of

Screw beauty standards.

#RavsReaders: Chrystal — Mom, Teacher, Lover Of Donuts 

As a celebration of the Ravishly community, we welcome you to #RavsReaders, a weekly feature where we'll spotlight one of our beloved readers.


8 Things You Should Know Before You Jump On The Backyard Chicken Bandwagon

And what’s better than eggs? Eggs direct from the cloaca of your own chicken.

Courtesy of Joni Edelman (

We Posted A “F*ck Trump” Embroidery Hoop And People Asked Us To Die

In my frustration, I raided my vintage fabric stash and took to needle and thread. I then posted the result of that frustration on Instagram, igniting the fury of several hundred Trump devotees. Read...

"I Can't Stand The Sun": My Struggle To Find The Right Bipolar Meds

My cocktail is wrong. It’s a gin and tonic with only gin. It’s a martini with 10 olives. And I can’t stand the sun. Not today. Not this month.

OCD is way more complicated than organized mugs.

OCD Week With Ravishly's Resident Mental Health Ladies

When I was little, any time I got an insect bite or stubbed my toe, I had to ask my mom, “Am I going to die? If I was going to die from this, I’d already be dead — right?” I also had a 30-minute prayer that I needed to say at each meal or else everyone would be poisoned and die. And corners. I had to check all of them before I went to bed.

Eating pineapple all the time = being tired of pineapple.

14 F#cked Up Diets I Cannot Believe I Tried

The Cabbage Soup Diet, aka The "Torture” Diet. You just put cabbage in water and cook it. And you eat it. All day. It is not good. You will still be hungry, and farting — very smelly, paint-peeling farting.

Credit: ThinkStock

No One Needs Acid For Their Double Chin—Tell That To The FDA

The FDA has approved a new drug for banishing double chins . . . it's ACID.

Credit: Thinkstock

On Internalized Misogyny And Female Grooming

Can we just take a pause to consider all of the total fucking bullshit to which we subject ourselves?
