Joni Edelman

Joni Edelman


Joni Edelman is a 40 year-old mother of five (ages 3 to19!), wife, RN, and freelance writer. Also notable, had a baby in her kitchen. Favorite activities include: gardening, hoarding yarn, cake (baking and eating). Less favorite activities include: laundry, laundry, laundry. Joni has appeared on The Today Show, Inside Edition, The Rachael Ray Show, Weekend Sunrise Australia, Canada AM, and Sirius Radio. In print you can find Joni's story in The Daily Mail, The Chicago Tribune, Huffington Post, Yahoo, and a host of others, but you're probably bored of all this nonsense by now. Completely understandable. Joni aspires to inspire. You can check out her personal website here.

Joni Edelman Articles

Credit: Thinkstock

5 Things To Know About Pregnancy

What to really expect when you're expecting.


On The Front Lines Of 40, Some Advice For My Former Selves 

Now that I've embarked upon the decade I once considered "old," there are a few things I'd like my 20 (and 30) year-old self to know.

(illustrated by Sanna Thijs @fulloffreckles)

How To Chill Your Adrenals Out

Chronic stress secretes a hormonal cocktail that wreaks havoc on that amazing body you have. Here's how you can chill your adrenals and reduce stress.


Why It's Time To Banish Mommy Guilt

So you fed your baby some formula instead of breast milk. His future is not shot. Really. It's not—and The Guilt serves no one.

Image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

Night Sweats: Beating The Heat Of The Perimenopausal Moment

...I’m going to help you! By “help” I mean “tell you all the things that didn’t work.”

image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

I Take So Many Psych Meds, I Don't Even Know Who I Am Anymore

I am tired of taking medication. I am tired of relying on the manufactured versions of the chemicals and hormones my body could — should? — make for itself.

Intoxicated Interviews With Sam & Joni

Intoxicated Interviews With Sam & Joni: Inaugural Edition

Sam: The first time you mentioned that you have five kids I was like WHAT THE ACTUAL. FIVE HUMANS. FIVE HUMANS CAME OUT OF YOU. Like, not at the same time, but they came out and like, that sounds painful and scary WHY DID YOU DO THAT??

Screw beauty standards.

#RavsReaders: Chrystal — Mom, Teacher, Lover Of Donuts 

As a celebration of the Ravishly community, we welcome you to #RavsReaders, a weekly feature where we'll spotlight one of our beloved readers.

Who's panicking? Not me. Image: Joni Edelman.

My Mammogram Revealed 'Abnormal' Tissue. They Told Me Not To Panic. I Panicked.

Do you want people to for-sure panic? Tell them not to panic.
