Elizabeth Laura Nelson

Elizabeth Laura Nelson


Elizabeth lives in Brooklyn with her two daughters, occasional mice and innumerable to-do lists. She runs a nine-minute mile, bakes a mean chocolate chip cookie, and can always be persuaded to get up and sing at a karaoke bar. Follow her on Twitter.

Elizabeth Laura Nelson Articles

Photo by Charles ?? on Unsplash

Yes, You Can Fix A Sexless Marriage. Here’s How.

Don’t give up without giving these ideas a try. Read...
The best way I know to feel better when I’m low is to scrape up some gratitude.(Photo by Neil Bates on Unsplash)

9 Things To Be Grateful For After A Breakup

Finding gratitude in the wake of a bad breakup isn’t easy. Here are a few things to focus on.

Let your kids screw up. To my mind, the goal of raising kids is to make them into self-sufficient adults who are kind, smart, and capable of taking care of themselves.

Dear Parents, Go Ahead And Let Your Kids Screw Up Their Lives

“Parenting” has become a competitive sport. But it’s kids who are losing. Let your kids screw up.

People love giving me advice but I'm begging you, these are things I never want to hear again.

8 Things I Never Want To Hear, Ever Again

As a person who writes about relationships for a living, I might be one of the people least in need of all this well-meaning advice, which usually amounts to clichés and can even veer into the territory of outright insults. What I need – what most of us need – is for people to hear me, and to trust me.

Admit it — you’ve done most of these things that make people hate you.

7 Things You’re Doing That Make People Hate You

If you constantly find that you’re rubbing people the wrong way, take a look at this list and consider if you’re doing any of the following seven things.

Photo by Kyson Dana on Unsplash

The Truth About Deception: Why Your Relationship Needs Lying To Survive

Honesty is supposed to be the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, and lying, an automatic dealbreaker. But should it be?

We’re still the same people we always were. Image: Thinkstock.

6 Things All Parents Want Their Childfree Friends To Understand

Yes, a lot of parents are assholes. But you know what? A lot of people are assholes; some of them happen to have kids, some don’t. I can’t speak for all parents, and I wouldn’t want to try. But speaking as one particular person with kids, here’s what I wish my childfree friends would understand…

A bad friendship can actually shorten your life. Remove those toxic friends!

4 Types Of Toxic Friends You Need To Cut From Your Life

If you have these four types of friends in your life, they could literally be making you sick. Consider yourself warned and remove these toxic friends!
