Erica Landis

Erica Landis


Erica Landis started her writing career in Mrs. Kelly’s second grade class with a tear-jerking essay about a No. 2 pencil. She went on to write herself and her friends into a 1980’s General Hospital storyline. The notebook pages were passed around the lunch table like wildfire. At that moment, young Erica knew she would pursue writing. With career pit stops in waitressing and retail, writing has been her saving grace and ticket to stardom. And by stardom, she means the moms at her daughter’s preschool think her writing is pretty cool. She writes often about life after the loss of her two-year-old son, Noah. She is giddy about her four-year-old daughter, Miriam. And after ten years of marriage, her husband Hal still hasn’t gotten used to her dropping her pants on the floor as soon she walks in the door. Follow her blog at Atop the Ferris Wheel  and get inside her head on Facebook at Erica Landis- I'm a Writer. But whatever you do, please don’t ask her to tell you the story about the Christmas fruitcake.

Erica Landis Articles

Love for a child never goes away.

'The First Thing Was I Felt Remembered:' LOVE Bracelets For Grieving Parents

The original meaning of the LOVE bracelet, for me, was that my love for my son would never go away. It just was in a different form now. The physical was gone. But my bracelet was a reminder that the LOVE is always there. Six years down the road for me, I know there are so many other hard things that come along with losing a child.

To my daughter: Keep broadcasting to the world, little girl.

My Child Talks To Strangers 

She will talk to strangers in the supermarket, at Target, at Toys ‘R Us, at the park, at the bank, and the post office.

Photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash

When Grief Turns Superstition Into Compulsion

Superstition ruled my mind. More than I realized. I had no idea, within hours, there’d be no child to mother. And then he was gone. And we were childless.

This was a week that all I could think about was time. Having enough damn time to do everything I want to do.

A Really Sh*tty Week 

This has been a week of shitty news. And for me, the eternally glass-half-full kind of girl, that says a lot.
