Joanna Schroeder
Joanna Schroeder
Joanna Schroeder Articles
Mattel’s brand new video featuring empowered little girls will make you cry. But will the toy industry ever change?
Read...I'm going to keep an eye on my health—but keep the scale under the bathroom vanity.
Read...As moms and dads, we probably don’t talk directly about rape to kids, at least not until they’re older. But we’re still sending messages about sex and consent all the time. Because of that, we need to make sure we’re not teaching them some very dangerous lessons, even if just by accident.
Read...That’s the thing: I love sex.
Read...And then reality kicks in and you think, “What happened to us?” Where once there were fireworks are now phone calls about broken appliances and picking up diapers. But these changes aren’t necessarily bad. Sometimes things change dramatically and you realize how amazingly better your relationship is now, all these years later.
Read...If we as women get to define for ourselves what beauty looks like, then the power will no longer rest with those who pad their fortunes with our self-loathing.
Read...No, it’s not the presents. It’s all the little things.
Read...Much of my life has been ruled by fears I didn’t want to face. Now that I'm older and have been battling them, I feel an enormous weight lifted from my shoulders. I only wish I'd been able to shrug off these societal pressures years ago
Read...People try to keep it real by talking about the struggles of being a parent, and that’s great, but the truth is this: Parenting can be great fun.
Read...This holiday film tells men it's OK to be emotional and vulnerable.