Lacey Johnson


Lacey is a writer, journalist and wife residing in Nashville, TN. With a passion for ruffling feathers, serving up inspiration and smacking her readers in the face with the truth, she writes boldly about self-care, personal growth and relationships. Her writing style is a blend of introspection, entertainment and heartfelt celebrations, and has been published by media sources all of the Internet and in print magazines. Lacey often drives her point home with a wink, a whisper and a sprinkle of wit, however occasionally only a lion's roar will do. Forgive her. For more doses of love, enthusiasm and articles worth reading, check out her pride and joy:

Lacey Johnson Articles

Ultimately, his love was stronger than my fear. And, I surprised myself to discover that so was mine.

Childhood Tragedy Made Me Terrified of Settling Down

When I was six years old, my mother and three close family members were killed in a sudden and public tragedy, hurling those of us who survived int

Please don’t tell me “I want what you have” — not unless you want me to run for the hills and hide. Image: Thinkstock.

Your Jealousy Isn't Flattering

One person’s successful venture or exalting victory — regardless of what it is — does not take away the possibility of anyway else’s. This world is vast, and there is plenty of room for everyone’s love and success stories (if they so desire them).

As agonizing as Kimberly’s death was for me, though, it also presented me with an unlikely gift: It forever altered the way I view friendships. Image: Thinkstock.

This Is What It Feels Like When Someone You Love Commits Suicide

I have never judged Kimberly for her decision. After all, I too have found myself at a point where I was not immune to such thoughts. I may not have delved into the same level of heaviness she did, but I have brushed up against it. I
