Little Bear Schwarz
Little Bear Schwarz Articles
I can’t just eat in moderation—at least not yet. But I am fine-tuning and honing and perfecting my body with the honor, respect, and love of a hand-crafted sword.
Read...I’m not brave because I’m shameless, or superior, or strange. I’m brave because I’m afraid.
Read...So the result, therefore, is a culture of “fans” considering us Sideshow Freaks — bearded ladies included — to be “neat” and “fun,” but not actually real.
Read...If the world told me that I would never land a career, a love life, or happiness as a woman, with a face & body covered in hair, is it not empowering (and to a degree, feminist) for me to flip them the bird, grow it anyway, and prove them wrong?
Read...I appear to be someone whose queerness, hairiness, and chubbiness has been wholly embraced and celebrated. I must have the answers! I don't.
Read...No, nothing will make you less of a woman. But nothing will make me more of one, either.
Read...You can’t just sit there and post links; you can’t just talk a big game. You have to walk the walk. Want to make the world a better place for us? Start listening to — and stop stonewalling — the women by your side.
Read...If we were to cut off all of our favorite forms of media because they contained problematic elements, we would live in a very silent and still world.
Read...Is this a thing that happens? Do people come out — or come BACK out — as cis? Is there a closet with a hidden door?
Read...At its core, body-autonomy—and feminism itself—is about giving women the benefit of the doubt that they can make up their own minds.