Marcia G. Yerman
Marcia G. Yerman Articles
Hillary Clinton is the presumptive Democratic nominee. Moving forward, whatever happens during the ensuing general election, the fact that she is a woman will be an inextricable part of the narrative.
Read...Students starting college this coming fall (as well as those returning) will be the first to benefit from the Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SaVE), which will require colleges to have “prevention and awareness” programs about sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and domestic violence in place.
Read...Activities in the photos can range from women at the start of their day, dealing with their children, or sprawled in a chair exhausted after eight hours at work. They document women in dressing rooms, without makeup, sporting a new hat, or dressed to the nines. In Arreola’s estimation, these are all “photo worthy.”
Read...Prior to his operation, B took photographs of his unmutilated body. It was way before the era of the selfie, but he wanted to document himself while he was still “whole.” Post-surgery, the affected side of his chest would bear a long scar. The nipple was gone. He was not interested in taking steps to reconstruct it.
Read...“At the end of the day, I’m a mom,” said Paltrow. She touched on her relationship with her ex and “co-parenting through a divorce,” stating, “Our children are our priority. Our values are around family.”
Read...Yes, there’s plenty of sex. However, the show is far more than just thrusting bodies in motion. Specifically, in a scene that included brief full-frontal male nudity, my takeaway from the encounter was not about the man’s genitals or his verbalizations in the throes of passion. Rather, what was meaningfully clear was that the woman’s emotional core was elsewhere. The sexual interlude served to underscore her internal state.
Read...The premise Newman puts forth is that being a perfectionist emanates from a core belief that either one is “not good enough… or that one is ‘unworthy.’” This can develop as a result of “parental criticism or parental indulgence (the latter being constant praise).”
Read...Thanks to social media, consumers are able to reach out to brands and directly express their pleasure — or displeasure — with a company’s product. I frequently react to advertisements that annoy my sensibilities via Twitter (I give shout outs, too!), using the hashtag #fem2. This summer’s Schick ad, with three bikini-clad young women standing behind bush-type trees in front of their pubic area, irritated me to no end.
Read...Americans hoped that when the election was over, there would be a decrease in the rampant uncivil discourse unleashed during the course of the 2016