Melissa Lovitz

Melissa Lovitz


Melissa Lovitz recently graduated from the University of Connecticut where she earned a B.A. in Human Development and Family Studies. She is currently a graduate student at Brown University studying Urban Education Policy with a focus on family and community engagement in urban communities. She loves country music, gymnastics, coffee, “Grey’s Anatomy,” popcorn and great conversations. You can read more of Melissa’s work at I’m Probably Overthinking This or follow her on Twitter @MelisLov.

Melissa Lovitz Articles

Image Credit: Thinkstock

What's The Difference Between Aesthetic And Sexual Attraction?

Sexual attraction is not the only type of physical attraction, AND aesthetic attraction is not the same as sexual attraction!

Time runs life for everyone, but it's a different struggle with OCD.

When Every Day Is Controlled By Time

I have OCD and I focus incessantly on time as a proxy for order an

Rather than eating until I felt anxious that I was eating too much or wasting too much time, I ate when I was hungry and stopped when I was full. Image: Thinkstock.

3 Things That Changed When I Started Thinking Of Food As Fuel

Something changed for me when I heard my friend say, “I run so I can eat.” I run so I can cope, so I can feel invincible, so I can think. And so, in a surprising change of events, I challenged them politely and asked, “What would change if, instead, you ate so you can run?”

Sometimes, I feel like I don’t measure up in the feminist or queer communities.

Am I A Bad Queer? Am I A Bad Feminist? 

I’ve been struggling to understand if I’m a “bad queer” or a “bad feminist” and sometimes, I think I am!

One of the best-kept secrets about adulting is that, most of the time, nobody knows what they’re doing.

What They Don't Tell You About Your "Roaring Twenties"

Oh, you didn’t know? Perhaps it’s because one of the best-kept secrets about adulting is that, most of the time, nobody knows what they’re doing.

Choosing mindfulness.

Today, Instead Of Dieting, I’m Choosing Mindfulness

I’m breaking up with meticulously measuring meals, miles, minutes, etc. I’m worn-out by the fatigue that follows the cycles of fixation. These cycles disguise themselves as control and help me define myself within parameters that feel palpable – things I can wrap my head around.

Interviewing for jobs is a two-way street. Image: Thinkstock.

4 Tips For Your Job Search, From A Millennial To Millennials (And Everyone Else, Too!)

I could link to several sites that list countless questions you should ask in a job interview, but I fear that would be a waste of your time, and condescending to your Google search talents. Instead, I’ll offer this: Make sure you have two or three quality questions prepped to ask at your job interview.

"5. Paying Attention To Nonverbal Communication"

5 Communication Strategies That Will Improve Your Relationships

Because it's true: Practice really does make perfect.

It's rarely necessary to be quite as busy as we are. Image: Pixabay.

Performing Busy

We get it! You’re busy... In a culture literally driven by productivity, a sense of busyness seems like a prerequisite to being your most productive self.
