
move right along.

Dear Middle-Class White People: I Am Not Here For Your Privilege and Entitlement

And, as I have now recently learned, when you're a formerly-poor, still-sorta-working-class first-generation college graduate of color with a shiny new Bachelor's and an even shinier new full-time dream job at a huge online independent feminist magazine, absolutely no one tells you about the bullshit your former classmates will try to pull with you.

Image: Wikipedia

Why The Real Housewives Is A Feminist Franchise

One reality TV franchise people often point to when talking about misogyny in the media is The Real Housewives. However, I believe that many aspects of The Real Housewives make it a feminist franchise.


A Viral Author's Advice: What You Can Do With Content That Sucks

When An Open Letter To My Ex-Husband’s Girlfriend was published, thousands of people told me off for being disingenuous, controlling, narcissistic, or jealous.

This is what a feminist looks like.

3 Reasons EVERYONE Needs Feminism (Even The Girl Who Destroyed It)

Dear Lauren Southern, you NEED feminism. (You just don't know why.)

Jes Baker, The Militant Baker.

We Need To Start Letting People Define Their Body Without Refuting Their Truth

The moral of these stories? #1: Let's start letting others define their bodies without feeling the need to challenge them.

Go. Now.

European Travel 101

Even though there’s no shortage of condoms in the Netherlands, it’s easier if you have your own birth control. Even if your trip isn’t a booty call, you never know! And if desire hits, you’ll be ready with your favorite type of BC and brand.

Let's go.

The Upsides And Downsides Of Living A Nomadic Life

I’ve decided to give up any sort of permanent living space in favor of using my money to travel and see the world. The only things I have with me are the things I can literally carry on my back, which includes my purse, a carry-on bag, and two suitcases.
