body acceptance

Veronica, creator Ron Lit

Strategies For Recovery And Body Positivity

Veronica shares some great tips and resources for eating disorder recovery and general body positivity. An eating disorder survivor herself, Ron dedicates a large amount of her YouTube channel to helping others with similar struggles.


4 Actual Solutions You Can Try When You’re Having a Bad Body Image Day

"Just like sitting with your negative feelings, looking at the body that you’re unhappy with puts you in the position of being the boss of your situation. It’s a way of reminding the voices in your head that you are the one in charge here — and that the smallest shift in thought or intent can turn your whole day around."

Your host, Justin Dennis

What Is Fat Shaming? A Video From Justin Dennis

Fat shaming is the worst. Shaming pretty much anything is the worst, really, but some people seem to think that fatness is exempt from that idea.

Credit:  Skwid Inc. Photographic Arts

3 Ways Burlesque Has Made Me A Better Mom

" you know what happens in lightly buzzed stupors? You get brave. Really brave. So, I signed up for it. In my lightly buzzed stupor I signed up for the burlesque mentorship program.


Off The Cuff: Body Image Issues & Skimpy Summer Clothes

All the skimpy clothes that come along with this time of year give me anxiety.


When Healthy Isn't An Option: How I Learned To Love My Chronically Ill Body

I lost 100 pounds, and I kept most of it off. But I am not healthy, and I never will be.


Behind The Scenes With A Boudoir Photographer

As part of Ravishly's Body Acceptance Week, we've peeked into the life of a boudoir photographer. Alycia Aragon shares her favorite portraits with us.


7 Things To Remember During Eating Disorder Recovery

It might take years before you can hold a cupcake in your hand and not nearly have a panic attack.
