Thirty years or three hours — time has no meaning when the power to decide has been taken from you. I believe you Dr. Blasey Ford and I believe all of us.
Read...4. A high school government class.
Read...A half-dozen dems have taken the first official moves toward impeaching Trump out of the White House (and with any luck, into the outer reaches of space).
Read...Our President has been reduced to a sac of pus. That's how bad things have gotten. Yup, my dog has a cyst that looks like Donald Trump!
Read...October is nearly over and with it the ninth month of the Trump administration let's address some of Trump's Ridiculousness. We can't make this stuff up!
Read...The point of the "covfefe" explosion is that if the media doesn’t stop flying off the wall every time Trump does or says something ludicrous, then we’ll just keep sucking the oxygen out of the stories that matter.
Read...In 1897, a little girl named Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of the Sun, asking if there was a Santa Claus.