
BREAKING: Sex. It's Good For You.

Woohoo! Sex is good for your brain! IT’S SCIENCE!

Let's demystify asexuality.

The Top 4 Questions I’m Asked When I Say I’m Asexual

3. Do you masturbate? First, what each person does with or to their body is nobody else’s business. Remember, asexuality is about sexual attraction not necessarily sexual desire or arousal. Simply put, most asexual people can experience sexual arousal; some asexuals masturbate and some do not.


Dr. Zhana Vrangalova: Studying the Science of Casual Sex

promiscuity researcher. blogger. educator.

Intersectional feminism is inclusive feminism.

Ask A Feminist: What Is Intersectional Feminism?

Understanding that systems of oppression tend to cast a wide net is the easy part. Next is the hard part: How do we as feminists work to position ourselves within the intersection of marginalized peoples and make sure we’re working with them, instead of stepping on them to get ahead?


What It Means To Be Bisexual And Pass As Straight

While I have dated and slept with both men and women in my life, I happen to be married to a man. This fact automatically means that I “pass” in most situations, although I still identify as bisexual. People see my opposite-sex partner and assume I am straight.


Liz Klinger: Co-Founder And CEO Of SmartBod

Who knew the tech industry could do that.

Credit: ThinkStock

"Q" Is For Questioning

The Kinsey Scale test labeled me a 2, or, "predominately heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual," one notch above "equally heterosexual and homosexual."


The Subversive Gender Message In Mariah Carey's Latest Music Video

Sex and bodies don't clarify gender; they confuse the issue.
