
I wanted to reach inside myself and cut it away.

Erasing My Father’s Face From Mine

Little things, everything would annoy me. I couldn’t keep it down. I lost my temper, over and over. I felt the strain of it all, the sheer exhaustion of parenting two young kids. But it was more than that. This anger was reminiscent of something buried deep within me. A piece of my past that I’d buried down so far I didn’t even know it was there anymore.

Here’s what I have to confront: sexism isn’t something that only exists amongst sociopathic, violent, shady men – it’s much more insidious than that.

Teaching Teenage Boys About Feminism 

Here's the truth about nice boys and sexism.

So temper tantrums are a blast, aren’t they?

9 Ways To Deal With Your Kids' Endless Stream of BS

Based on my experience, I can tell you with confidence that there exists a list of perfectly reasonable ways to cope with that endless stream of bullshit that your kids are pumping out on the regular. None of this stuff is going to bring you the blessed satisfaction that comes with screaming out all your favorite swear words while you tear off your clothing in a fit of rage and flush yourself down the toilet, but until such a time arises, this list will at least provide some healthy alternatives to deep-diving through your city’s sewer system when you need relief most.

I would rather him spend his teenage years gaming with friends and going to geeky cons than drinking beer and trying to get laid.

My Kid Won't Play Organized Sports And I'm Thrilled

When my oldest son was a baby, my husband and I used to talk about what sports he would play.

Maxwell: Age 4, lover of trucks, lousy sleeper

13 Things My 4-Year-Old Needs To Discuss at 4 A.M.

There is NO RELATIVITY. My children are objectively the worst sleepers of any children in the history of ever.

Image credit: Thinkstock

Friends Wanted: On Trying To Make New Friends As A Stay-At-Home Mom

While I knew I was lucky to have everything I’d worked for—family, a new apartment, financial stability — I also knew that I had never felt so lonely.
