
Let them eat.

Stop Fat-Shaming My Toddler

I say this: Stop fat-shaming my toddler son. Fat will not make him fat. Fat does not make him unhealthy.

Enhance, don't control, your life with eating.

How To Not Intuitively Eat #DitchTheDiet2016

I'm an anti-diet teacher. I teach chronic, obsessed dieters how to eat normally, trust their bodies, and fully commit to living their lives now, not 30 pounds from now.

Enhance, don't control, your life with eating.

How To Not Intuitively Eat #DitchTheDiet2016

I'm an anti-diet teacher. I teach chronic, obsessed dieters how to eat normally, trust their bodies, and fully commit to living their lives now, not 30 pounds from now.


The Freeze Response: How I Handled The Trauma Of Sexual Assault

When I speak at colleges about my own story of sexual abuse, I never forget how difficult it was for me to even speak the words, "I was sexually abused."

Loving your body isn’t easy, but once you start, it gets easier.

Loving Your Body Isn't Easy #DitchTheDiet2016

How does that old cliché go? “Love is not a noun, it’s a verb”? Loving your body is a verb. It’s an action — and in many ways it’s a sacred and defiant one.

Loving your body isn’t easy, but once you start, it gets easier.

Loving Your Body Isn't Easy #DitchTheDiet2016

How does that old cliché go? “Love is not a noun, it’s a verb”? Loving your body is a verb. It’s an action — and in many ways it’s a sacred and defiant one.

You deserve to grieve.

I’m Not Done Talking About Miscarriage And Here’s Why

Here are some further thoughts on miscarriage, the Internet, and how we can be supportive to women going through one.

Salad is not the only food.

5 Popular Weight Loss Tips That Can SUCK IT #DitchTheDiet2016

If you’re at an amazing restaurant, eat the amazing food there! Enjoy it! Don’t limit yourself to one bite of expensive entree because you frantically forced down a pound of undressed salad before the bread basket showed up. Eat salad for its own sake. Eat it because you want to eat it, not because you’re trying NOT to eat something else.
