If you’re at an amazing restaurant, eat the amazing food there! Enjoy it! Don’t limit yourself to one bite of expensive entree because you frantically forced down a pound of undressed salad before the bread basket showed up. Eat salad for its own sake. Eat it because you want to eat it, not because you’re trying NOT to eat something else.
Read...I want everyone out there having a miserable college experience to know that it's not your fault, and you're not alone.
Read...Ever since I was a kid myself, I’ve held the conviction that I didn’t want kids. I found baby dolls creepy and real-life babies irritating. Whenever I told my parents this, they’d say, “You’ll change your mind.” But at age 25, I still haven’t.
Read...Fact: It’s cold as f#ck outside and you should be watching Netflix.
Read...I have a completely common and certainly not surprising confession to make. Turning 30 freaked me out.
Read...So, deep breath, here we go: I have OCPD.
Read...What we really need is a better definition of health. One that is less about weight and more about the broader idea of what health is really about.
Read...What we really need is a better definition of health. One that is less about weight and more about the broader idea of what health is really about.