
Teacher Fired for Asking Students for Dating Advice: Creepy, Sad or Hilarious?

Who do you go to for dating advice? A. Friends B. Mom C. 4th graders.


Watch: Adorable Dad and Daughter Rock Out to Iggy Azalea

Check out this father-daughter bonding at its best.


High School Yearbook Showcases Teen Parents, Sparks Controversy

Alright kids, just hold your Judge-y Judy horses for a minute. It's time we stopped demonizing teenage pregnancy.


Making Whoopee in Hot Tubs is a One-way Ticket to Despair

"Babe come onnnnn! Chlorine kills everything." LIES.


Sex! (And Other Things Not to Do at a Murder Trial)

Sometimes, the truth is stranger than fiction. Especially when it comes to sex.


Cohabiting Before Marriage Prevents Divorce, Right? Wrong!

Research has slapped logic in the face. Couples that live together before marriage are more likely to be unhappy with their spouse.


Bad Vibrations: Man Lodges a (Still Moving) Sex Toy in Large Intestine

In the name of all things hilarious, feast your insatiably gossipy mind on this!


5 (Silly) Ways to Celebrate Oregon Legalizing Gay Marriage

Today, a federal judge overturned the ban on same-sex marriage up in the, "She Flies With Her Own Wings" state. Let's celebrate this achievement in Oregon-themed ways!
